
Journey Press is currently closed to accepting novel-length science fiction and fantasy manuscripts.

When we open reopen submissions, we will be particularly interested in stories from authors (and featuring characters) of marginalized backgrounds. Submit your manuscripts, please email them to editor at The subject of the email should be: MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION – [AUTHOR NAME] – [TITLE OF SUBMISSION]. There should be nothing in the email proper other than a greeting. Your cover letter and plot synopsis, pitch, notes, etc. must be in a separate attached document.

Please format your submissions per the modern manuscript format. Do not include any spoilers, plot synopses, notes, etc. in the manuscript itself. Attach the manuscript to the same email.

Please allow at least one month for response. Note that we do not accept submissions from agents.

We look forward to reading your work!


The Gods Awoke – A modern New Wave classic by Marie Vibbert


By Your Side: The First 100 Years of Yuri Anime and Manga – by Erica Friedman